Memorial Italia
«La bibliografia dei campi di concentramento in URSS ci appare molto squilibrata, sul piano sia cronologico sia geografico. Quando osserviamo l’insieme di questa bibliografia, notiamo anzitutto che è suddivisa in due parti ineguali. Per una sessantina d’anni, dagli anni venti alla fine degli anni ottanta, i testi sui campi sono piuttosto rari e vengono pubblicati quasi unicamente in Occidente. Al contrario, a partire dalla perestrojka, si assiste a una vera esplosione di testi sul Gulag, pubblicati prevale in Russia, e questa nuova produzione ha già superato tutto quanto era stato pubblicato nel periodo precedente, sia per quantità sia per ricchezza d’informazione.»
da “Aspetti e problemi della bibliografia del Gulag” di Hélène Kaplan, in Gulag, storia e memoria Universale Economica Feltrinelli, Milano , 2004
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- Autore:Pakosch, F.titolo:Im Sowjet Russland. [Aufzeichnungen erzälht von F.Pakosch. Verantwortlich : 29Georg Schmidt.].Data:1928Pubblicazione:Berlin (Stettin, Volksdrückerei), (1928), 24 p.Note:A German worker who went to the USSR from ideology, was arrested and detained in a camp. After his return to Germany, he tells about his experiences to the editors of "Vorwärts".Parole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR; Political repression in the USSR - Foreigners -Germans;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Palacio Cuesta, Thomas, capitano della Division Azultitolo:12 ans en enfer. Mémoires recueillies par Torcuato Luca de Tena. Préface de Pierre d'Arribère.Data:1966Pubblicazione:Paris, 68 rue de Vaugirard, 1966, 235 p.Note:A Spaniard from the Blue Division, the author was taken prisoner and detained from 1943 to 1954 in Soviet camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Spanishmen;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Panikarov, I.A.titolo:Istorija poselkov Central'noj Kolymy. 2-e izd., dop.Data:1997Pubblicazione:Magadan, MAOBTI, 1997, 260 p.Note:The story of the foundation and development of the settlements in Central Kolyma (Jagodninskij «rajon » - district - of Magadan region), which were originally camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East);Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Panin, Dimitrijtitolo:Zapiski SologdinaData:1973Pubblicazione:Frankfurt/Main, Posev, 1973, 576 p.Note:Sologdin's notes. Memoirs on the 13 years (1940-1953) spent by the author in Stalin's prisons and camps : Vjatlag (Kirov), Vorkuta, the camp of Ekibastuz (Kazachskaja SSSR)Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Resistance in the Gulag; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag; Political repression in the USSR - Against the scientistsTipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Panin, Dimitrij Michajlovičtitolo:Lubjanka. Ekibastuz. Lagernye zapiski. Vstup. stat'I : V.Maksimov i I.Panina.Data:1991Pubblicazione:Moskva, Skify, 1991, 384 p.Note:Memoirs. The author was arrested in 1939 and sent to the camps of Molotov (Vjatka) and Vorkuta.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Camps and prisons in the USSR - Molotov (Vjatka); (Udmurtskaja ASSR) Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (Komi ASSR);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Papkov, S.A.titolo:Stalinskij terror v Sibiri. 1928-1941.Data:1996Pubblicazione:Moskva: In-t istorii Sib. Otd-nija RAN, 1996, 272 p.Note:Political repression in Siberia : de-kulakisation, repression in the army and the Party. Development of the camp system in Siberia and in the Far East.Parole chiavi:Collectivisation and de-kulakisation; Political repression in the USSR - in the army; Political repression in the USSR - against the Party members; Political repression in the USSR - Specpereselency; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siberia; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Bamlag (Far East); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kraslag (Krasnojarsk, region; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Dal'stroj (Far East); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siblag (Siberia);Tipo:Studies and pamphlets; Archives;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Parvilahti, U.titolo:Beria's gardens. A 10 Years' Captivity in Russia and Siberia. Transl. From Finnish by A.Blair.Data:1959Pubblicazione:London, Hutchinson, 1959, 286 p.Note:Uniform title: Berijan tarhat Havanintoja ja mustikuvia Neuvostoliitosta vuosilta, Helsinki, Otava, 1957, 344 p. American ed.- Beria's gardens. A slave laborer's experiences in the Soviet Utopia, N.Y., Dutton, 1960, 288 p.- The author, a liaison officer between the Finnish and the German army, was handed over to the Soviets in 1945, and imprisoned in the prison of Vladimir and the camps of Temlag, and Dudinka. Freed in 1954.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Finns;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Pavlov, V.titolo:Stalinizm na Kolyme. Fotoal'bom. Predisl. Sandler A.Data:1991Pubblicazione:S.l., Aleks, 1991, 160 p., ill.Note:Collection of photographs of Magadan to-day with ruins of camps, abandoned mines, new settlements created on the place of ancient camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons - Magadan:Tipo:Reference works; Pictorial works;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Petkevič, Tamara Vladimirovnatitolo:Žizn' sapožok neparnyj. Vospominanija.Data:1993Pubblicazione:Sankt-Peterburg, Astra-Ljuks, 1993, 500 p., ill.Note:Life is an odd boot. - Memoirs from the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Petrov, Vladimirtitolo:It happens in Russia : seven years of forced labour in the Siberia goldfields.Data:1951Pubblicazione:London; Eyre 1 Spottiswoods, 1951, 470 p., maps.Note:The author was arrested in 1935 and sent to the camps of Kolyma, then to Khatynnach (Magadan). Released in 1942.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Petrus', KJ.titolo:Uzniki kommunizma. Pred. V.Syzranina.Data:1953Pubblicazione:New York, Čechova, 1953, 238 p.Note:2d ed : Moskva, 1996. Prisoners of communism.- Memoirs on the believers met by the author in the camps where he was imprisoned (Western Siberia, Krasnojarsk, Noril'sk)Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Prisoners- Orthodox; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Krasnojarsk (Western Siberia); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Noril'sk;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Piccard, E.titolo:La fin d'une révolution. Episode de la grande tragédie russe. Livre V. 1933-1942Data:1963Pubblicazione:Neuchatel-Paris, V.Attinger, 1963, 267 p., ill.Note:Life in the Soviet Union, 1932-1941 12. Labour conditions, life in the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Piddington, W.E.B.titolo:Russian frenzy...Data:1955Pubblicazione:London, Elete Books, 1955, 264 p., ill.Note:The author was deported to the Vorkuta camps from 1946 to 1950.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (Komi ASSR, Archangel'sk, oblast');Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Pidgajnij, Sementitolo:Nedostriljani. Častina 1-2 .Data:1949Pubblicazione:S.l., vid. Ukraina, 1949, 2 v. (130 p.; 128 p.)Note:The non-shot. - The experience of the author in various prisons and in the Solovki Islands camp, from 1933 to 1937.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Solovki Islands; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Nationalities - Ukrainians;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Pim, Sir Alan - Bateson, Edward.titolo:Report on Russian timber camps. With a preface by the Rt. Hon. Lord Buckmaster..Data:1931Pubblicazione:London, E.Benn, 1931, 132 p., maps.Note:Camps and prisons in the USSR;Parole chiavi:Documents and maps;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Pimenov, Revolt Ivanovičtitolo:Vospominanija . V 2-ch tomach.Data:1996Pubblicazione:Moskva, IEG "Panorama", 1996, 4°, 2 v. (565 p.; 413 p.), portr.Note:Memoirs of a dissident, deported to the camps of Komi.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Komi ASSR;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Plotnikov, V.D.titolo:Kolyma - Kolymuška . Pred. I.Panikarov. Obščestvo « Poisk nezakonno repressirovanhhyk ».Data:2001Pubblicazione:Jagodnoe (Magadan), MAOBTI, 2001, 64 p., portr.Note:Memoirs. The author was arrested in 1937, sent to the mines of Žurba (1937-1938), after that to the « Izoljator » at Orotukan. He was sentenced to death but sent to the special camp of Nerega, freed in 1946 but remained as « ssyl'noposelenec » from 1946 to 1956 in Magadan.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR Camps and prisons in the USSR - Magadan (Far East)Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Pohl, J.Ottotitolo:Ethnic cleansing in the USSR, 1937-1949.Data:1999Pubblicazione:Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.Note:Political repression in the USSR - Soviet nationaities;Parole chiavi:Studies and pamphlets;Tipo:noPubblicato in URSS:
- Autore:Pol'skaja, Evgenija Borisovnatitolo:Eto my, Gospodi, pered toboju . Otv. za vyp. N.S. Timofeev. 2-e izd., dop. i rasš.Data:1998Pubblicazione:Nevinnomyssk, 1998, 504 p.Note:We are here, Lord, before Thee. -The author, a woman, had participated in the unarmed rebellion of the Cossacks during their handing over to the Soviets (1th June 1945). The women and children who participated to these events were deported and, later, sent to obligatory exile. A realistic description of the life in the camps.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Cossacks; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Women in the camps;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Poljan, P.M.titolo:Ne po svoej vole…Istorija i geografija prinuditel'nych migracii v SSSR.Data:2001Pubblicazione:Moskva, OGI : Memorial, 2001, 328 p.Note:Unwilling…History and geography of the forced migrations in the USSR. - Typology of the forced migrations, their connections with the GULAG system and the planified transfer of populations. Demographic and economic consequencies of the forced migrations , from de mass German emigration to the ethnic conflicts in the Caucasus. Statistics of the emigration, by year and by nation.Parole chiavi:Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Balkars; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Bulgarians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Chechens; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Finns (Ingrians); Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Germans; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Greeks; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Hungarians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Ingush; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Italians; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Kalmyks; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Karachay; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Kurds Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Poles; Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities - Tatar (Crimea) Political repression in the USSR - Nationalities -Turks Meschetian; Political repression in the USSR - Rehabilitation - nations; Political repression in the USSR - Specpereselency; Collectivisation and de-kulakisation;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Poljan, Pavel Markovičtitolo:Žertvy dvuch diktatur: Ostarbeitery i voennoplennye v Tret'em Rajche i ich repatriacija. Pred. D.Granin.Data:1996Pubblicazione:Moskva, Vaš vybor, 1996, 442 p.Note:Victims of two dictatorships. TheParole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Repatriated in the Gulag; Political repression in the USSR - Repatriated;Tipo:Studies and pamphlets;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Polok, Františektitolo:Jak žili a umirali sovetsti otroci .Data:1960Pubblicazione:New York, Polok, 1960, 305 p.Note:How young Soviet people lived and died. - The author, a Czech, was arrested in 1942 and imprisoned in Unžlag till 1945.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Czechs; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Unžlag (Gor'kij, region, Suchobezvodnoe);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Poplawski, Adolftitolo:12 [Dwanascie] lat lagru.Data:1987Pubblicazione:Paris, Spotkania, 1987, 329 p., ill.Note:Memoirs of a militant from the Armia Krajowa, arrested in Vilna in 1945 and sent successively to Vorkuta, to the Ural's region, to Taišet, and to Kolyma. Freed in 1956.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Poles; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Vorkuta (Komi ASSR); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Tajšet (Irkutsk, region); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East);Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Popov, Blagojtitolo:Ot procesa na Lajpcig do lagerite v Sibir.Data:1991Pubblicazione:Sofia, izd. Christo Botev, 1991, 392 p.Note:From the Leipzig trial to the camps in Siberia. - A Bulgarian Communist, one of the accused in the Leipzig trial, emigrated to the Soviet Union and was arrested there. He describes his life - in the camps of Siberia, from 1939 to 1946.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners - Bulgarians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Communists;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Povysil, P.titolo:Tote, die Atmen.Data:1956Pubblicazione:Hannover : A.Spouholtz, 1956, 245 p.Note:The author was arrested in Vienna in 1948. Sentenced to 25 years of camps he was sent to Vorkuta, and after 1952, to the Verchneural'sk' prison. In 1953 he was deported to Austria.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Foreigners in the Gulag - Austrians;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Prjadilov, A.N.titolo:Zapiski kontrrevoljucionera.Data:1995Pubblicazione:Moskva, 152 p, 1995, portr.Note:Notes of a counter-revolutionary. -The author was arrested in 1943, at the age of sixteen, because of his participation in a manuscript review. He spent seven years in various camps : the construction of an airport near Vjaz'ma (Smolensk region), the Čistjun'gskij ozdorovitel'nyj ITL (a health camp) in the Altaj region, the railway of Tajšet-Bratsk (Ozerlag), the mines of Magadan. After his liberation he lived as a "ssyl'noposelenets" in Kolyma.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Special camps; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Economic activity; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Altaj; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kolyma (Far East); Camps and prisons in the USSR - Artistic and cultural life in the Gulag;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes
- Autore:Prychodko, Nicholastitolo:One of the fifteen million. Préf. by Watson Kirkconnell.Data:1952Pubblicazione:Boston, Little, Brown, 1952, XIV-236 p.Note:An Ukrainian escaped from USSR relates his experience in the camps of Siberia (1938-1941)Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Soviet nationalities - Ukrainians; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Siberia;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:no
- Autore:Puzyrev, M.D.titolo:I pokatilsja kolobok.Data:1997Pubblicazione:S.l.[Kotlas, Archangel'sk], 1997, 121 p., ill.Note:The author, a native of Archangel'sk, was arrested in 1937 and worked in the camps of Belbaltlag (White Sea - Baltic Sea canal) and Kargopol'lag, on railway construction.Parole chiavi:Camps and prisons in the USSR - Economic activity; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Belomorcanal; Camps and prisons in the USSR - Kargopol'lag;Tipo:Memoirs and testimonies;Pubblicato in URSS:yes