Dichiarazione di Svetlana Alekseevic, premio Nobel per la letteratura

Why have you remained silent? We hear very few voices supporting us.
There is no one left of my friends and associates in the opposition’s Coordination Council. They are all in prison, or they have been thrown out of the country. The last, Maksim Znak, was taken today.

First they seized our country, and now they are seizing the best of us. But hundreds of others will come and fill the places of those who have been taken from our ranks. It is the whole country which has risen up, not just the Coordination Council. I want to say again what I have always said: that we were not attempting to start a coup. We did not want to split the country. We wanted to start a dialogue in society. Lukashenko has said he won’t speak ‘with the street’ – but the streets are filled with hundreds of thousands of people who come out to protest every Sunday, and every day. It isn’t the street, it is the nation.

People are coming out to protest with their small children because they believe they will win.

I also want to address the Russian intelligentsia, to call it by its old name. Why have you remained silent? We hear very few voices supporting us. Why don’t you speak when you can see this proud little nation is being crushed? We are still your brothers.

To my own people, I want to say this: I love you and I am proud of you.

And now there is another unknown person ringing at my door.

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Valerija Kamins’ka viveva a Mariupol’, aveva un’agenzia turistica. Poi sono arrivate le truppe russe, coi carri armati che sparavano a caso in mezzo alla città, distruggendo tutto, seminando la morte, impedendo di seppellire i morti. A salvare Valerija è stata la solidarietà di chi le stava accanto. Nell’intervista realizzata da Volodymyr Noskov e Denys Volocha racconta del periodo trascorso sotto l’occupazione russa di Mariupol’.
